Middle School Wrestling Information
Student Pre-Season Meeting - Wednesday, Nov. 20th from 3:10-3:30 in the MSE Cafeteria
Coach Kelley (blairk@mystma.org)
Practice Location: Middle School West Wrestling Room
Season Start Date: Monday, 11/25 Final competition: Monday, 1/27
Practice Times: 3:30pm - 5pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
Weekend events: We usually schedule 2-3 Saturday tournaments. These will be added to the schedule as well.
Match Schedule
Sports Physical
Players need to have a sports physical on file in the activities office. Sports physicals are valid for three years. You need to have a sports physical on file in order to register through SchoolSmartK12 on ParentVue. Physical forms can be turned in at the MSE office, emailed to mollyli@mystma.org, or faxed to (763) 497-6591.
View and Print the Sports Physical Form
Middle School sports registration is done online using Edutrack Connect, also known as SmartSchoolK12. The cost for registration is $187.50
STMA has a new online registration system, Edutrack Connect, also known as SmartSchoolK12. You will need to create a new account and add a funding source before registering. Follow the instructions on the links below. Please follow both sets of instructions to help avoid confusion. Please note, when you register for activities one of the questions asks about online school. In this case, online refers to being enrolled in a fully online school such as STMA Online.
Link to Instructions for SmartSchoolK12 Registration
Link to Add a Funding Source and Register
As athletes at Middle School East, our students are not only participants in sports but also ambassadors of our school community. As such, we hold them to a higher standard of conduct, expecting them to consistently exhibit exceptional behavior. We believe our athletes should serve as positive role models, setting an example for their peers. Their actions both on and off the field should reflect the values and principles of our school, inspiring others to strive for similar excellence.
Important Policies to remember:
- Students need to be passing all of their classes to be on the Wrestling team. The MSE activities director will check to see if players are passing all of their classes at mid-tri and/or the end of the trimester.
- Students need to be in class five full periods of the day in order to practice or compete that night. Students with a doctor’s appointment may be excused from this requirement if they have documentation from the doctor referencing the appointment. Make sure to bring this note from the doctor to MSE attendance secretary.
- Your coaches will expect the players to be at practice every day.
- Missed practices may result in reduced playing time.
- We will bus you to and from all road meets, but you may ride home with your parents after a meet rather than ride the bus back to school. You need to have your parent sign out with your coach if you ride home with a parent. If you are planning to ride home with someone else’s parents, your parents need to notify the Activities Director of this one day in advance.